Yulianna Yussef nació con manchas en la piel de todo su cuerpo, algunos parecen lunares, pero otros son más grandes. Obviamente crecer así fue difícil, sufrió de bullying en la escuela y era acosada por todos aquellos que la consideraban diferente.

Yussef nació en Ucrania y desde niña padece una enfermedad llamada , lesiones cutáneas benignas muy frecuentes que se encuentran en casi toda la población, pero se desarrollan en algunas personas con mayor fuerza, como en el caso de esta chica.

De acuerdo con información de , esta enfermedad se manifiesta con pequeñas manchas pigmentadas que están constituidas por cúmulos de células névicas cargadas de melanina. Se los conoce popularmente como lunares. Algunos casos son más severos que otros.

Mientras crecía, Yulianna fue criticada severamente por sus compañeros, pero no dejó que esto afectara sus deseos profesionales, según lo menciona 

Como muchas chicas que están rompiendo los, Yulianna es modelo y tiene más de 17 mil seguidores en sus redes sociales, donde inspira a las jóvenes a superarse y no dejar que las críticas las afecten.

Desde pequeña la han llamado la “chica dálmata”, pero lejos de ser un insulto ella lo toma con mucha consciencia, pues sabe que lo único que tiene de especial es que es diferente, como lo son muchas personas.






Messy hair ☀️ #hair #style #look #girl #with #curls #olaplex #blondie #ombre #lunch #time #restaurant #selfie

Una foto publicada por Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) el






asking about repost !Today i want to tell you about one important subject for me, it concerns to thousands people like me. However, this conversation will be about my particular feelings. As you can see in the photo, my skin is not the same as yours. And it is very noticeable because I'm all strewn with brown spots of various sizes, which are called - #birthmarks . It is not hereditary and occurs with one person per 500.000 The most common question I hear is “where did they come from?”. Well, I was born like that. There can be a lot of guesses, assumptions and other things, but nobody knows the true origin ( except the physiological processes in the body, such as the generation of abnormal (excessive substance called " #melanin ", which gives the pigmentation). In those times when I was born doctors didn’t face with such diagnosis at least in Ukraine and gave not favorable prognosis. But my mom has never gave up and didn’t listen to anyone , she was always looking for any information. You even cannot imagine how many people we met and how many treatments we have tried. Only when I turned 7 years old, we found out how it is called and how people can live with this. Moreover, it is possible to do a surgery , such as skingrafting. In my case it could be more than 12 operations. But of course no one gave promises or any guarantees that it will not exacerbate my condition. We decided not to do that cause of personal reasons which I prefer not to point. So why I am writing this? In order to try to convey people once again that I and such people are not "lepers". No need to feel an aversion to us, all the people on Earth have birthmarks (Vetiligo etc.) on theirs body. We just have them in bigger quantities and in different sizes. I can give you one simple example of my life. I love summer and sun which is forbidden for people with moles., as well as many other joys of this time of year. But when the heat comes – it becomes a disaster for me cause it is very difficult morally to put on some open clothes Why? Why do I feel slighted? Because the majority of people are beginning to show with all their appearance that I differ from them.CONTINUE

Una foto publicada por Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) el

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